Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Cure for the Common Political Ad

It is April and the presidential campaign is underway, fresh off the heels of a comical yet terrifying Republican primary race. Those wonderful ads are now on the airwaves, funded by the Super Pacs - organizations that can contribute an unlimited amount of money to whichever candidate they choose. These are mostly individual donors, unimaginably rich people. If you are like me, you don't want to hear, see, or smell another political advertisement in your life. One is too many.

How do we rid ourselves of these vermin? Here is my proposal. First off, each presidential candidate is given $10,000 from us taxpayers to run their primary campaign. They can spend no more than that nor can they accept donations from anyone, not even their mothers. Those who make it to the final race get $100,000, not a penny more. What a great way to see how a presidential candidate would manage a tight budget. There would be a level playing field with our lineup more reflective of who we are as a people. No longer would the candidates all be millionaires. How about we go back to the old days, when politicians traveled by train and gave stump speeches to the townsfolk? They spent their money going around talking to the people instead of creating all the negative crap we see on TV nowadays.

Well, we know that ain't gonna happen!

So, here is my second proposal. Boycott political ads. How you might ask? It is easy, really it is. For television, simply record or pause your favorite programs on your Tevo or DVR then fast forward through the commercials. Put in a CD instead of turning on the radio, or better yet, listen to NPR, where there are no political advertisements.

The ads won't pay off if we choose to ignore them and we will feel so much better by removing them from our lives. Let the Super PACs spend their millions on useless ads. We don't have to listen.

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