Saturday, August 25, 2012

I've Been Here Before

Now you may think I am crazy after you read this blog. So be it. I've been called worse. What I am about to write must be said, it must come out. I don't know why. It just does.

I've been here before. How do I know this? The constant state of disbelief. The absence of desensitization. The deep, intense grief that shadows my existence, coming from a place of knowing this land before it was violated. There can be no other explanation. I've been here before. So I will step aside, and let the old Spirit within me take the pen, and speak the words that must be said.

"My Soul weeps for Mother Earth and All My Relations. In my time, we honored all things. We spent our time finding food, making tools, having ceremonies. We shared what we had with each other so no one went without. We took care of each other. It was our duty. It was our way. Our children and elders were our first concern. They were the past and the future of our People.

Our waters were sweet, the blood of Mother Earth. The land was good to us and gave us many plants and medicines. The animals were our sisters and brothers. Yes, we killed them for food and made many things from their bodies, but we honored them for this gift. We took only what we needed. We saw the balance in nature and our place in it. We held much love and respect for the land and all creatures who dwell here.

I cannot bear the sorrow when I look at what has happened to this great land. You have poisoned your waters and your food, you kill animals and each other for no purpose. And you hold no sorrow in your hearts for these deeds. You no longer know the names of the trees and plants, the birds and the fishes. You cannot find food in the woods. Most do not know how to gather medicines or hunt.

Our homes returned to the earth when they no longer were of use. Your homes are full of toxic materials and are bulldozed or burned, and buried into Mother Earth. You have more than you need. And you are no longer concerned with your village or children or elders, only of yourselves and those things you can possess.

My heart cries for Mother Earth. And my heart cries for you."

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